Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Break

Wow! Summer Break already?! At first, I thought it would never get here, and now it has arrived, and I can't believe we are done with the school year already! Just call me crazy! We've got big plans for this summer... we've already been to Aquatica twice... and the guys are planning a backpacking trip in the Smoky Mountains, as well..

But, we aren't completely giving up on school... DS#2 is working on getting those multiplication facts down flat, and DS#1 is finishing up the MUS we switched to in March... on top of that, he asked that we do Apologia's Zoology 3 this summer, and DD has jumped in on that, so we are going through that as well. And I am working, part time, still... so our afternoons are booked for most days... but we will still have plenty of time for lounging around the pool, playing video games (of course!), and there is always Aquatica... maybe a trip to the beach, as well...

In any case, I placed my order for next year yesterday... I am excited... every time a box arrives, the kids ask what it is, and I tell them SCHOOL BOOKS! It's like Christmas for me, LOL!! You can see what we're doing next year to the right of my blog...

Well, I need to round the kids up for lunch and a Zoology lesson... so I better get off the computer ☺.

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